Saturday, May 26, 2012

Autism Support Class Art!



dive said...

Those are so cool Neetzy. I want them for the wall of my Architects' office.

Barbara Pask said...

These are wonderful and you are such a good person to want to work with these young people. They are happy designs and would make good t-shirts.

neetzy said...

Hey Dive! I want to make a t-shirt of these designs. They are so fun and wonderful as are my students.

Barbara, I love these kids. They meet every challenge with enthusiasm! Tommy puts Mario on everything!

neetzy said...

Just an update on these. There are certain people in our country who are feverishly trying to kill public education at the moment. The are members of the tea party fueled by the billionaire Koch brothers. Our governor who's largest private donor is running his own Charter schools. I do not mind private schools, but Charter schools are taking money directly out of the public system and can be for profit.