Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year's Resolution: Take More Naps!

Okay, so I've not lived quite up to my expectations this year. So what?

I didn't send any holiday cards. So what?

I didn't send a year end letter like I promised. So what?

I didn't clean the pantry, or the basement, or the garage. Who cares?

Another year of clutter will not kill anyone.

In 2008, I did accomplish a few things:

I started a blog to post some of my art. (I didn't realize it would also be a fun recreational activity) I successfully entered and was accepted into three juried shows. I completed four graduate classes. I lost 10 pounds. I regained the 10 pounds with 2 additional friends. I am continuing to paint. My students finished a large mural at the Windy Hill Senior Center. I successfully survived another year of parenting two teenage daughters.

For 2009...I have set goals but no real "resolutions". I do not like the word "resolution". I feel that I am setting myself up for failure just by making a "resolution". I don't think "Eddie" makes resolutions.

Goal One - Finish my Masters Degree. (I hope to finish by August)

Goal Two - Get Healthier. Note that I am not resolving to lose those 10 lbs. again. I did join a gym. I am actively watching my weight. I have to do all of these things. I will be turning the big Five-O this year. OMG!WTF? I just want to be around long enough to finish "my masterpiece". (I haven't even visualized it yet).

Goal Three - Take time for myself. Do whatever. Take an actual vacation somewhere. Paint, relax, sleep with my belly exposed on the loveseat.

Goals beyond three - Start an actual webpage; keep a creativity journal; submit paintings to the "Art of the State"; begin a masterpiece; clean the pantry; clean the basement; clean out the kids' lair; clean out my own lair.

Final goal - Take more naps.


dive said...

Cats are great role models when it comes to relaxation, Neetzy.
I wish you every success in all your aspirations for 2009.
I forgot to make any resolutions.
Perhaps I should nap more and maybe my brain wouldn't be so mushy.

Shazza said...

More naps is a great goal, I think I'll steal that one from you.

I know you can do it Sis! We will still have to find an artists retreat somewhere. Maybe we can pose with the exposed bellies for the other artists!

On second thought...scratch that.

neetzy said...

Poetikat, Oh well. I don't sweat the small stuff anymore. My kids are old enough that they don't care. I don't get too many visitors out here in the boonies.

I loved "Once". I think I'll have to rent it.

Dive, Cats just "do it". Anywhere, anytime on anything. I think I shall come back as a cat in my "next life".

Eddie's belly is much cuter than mine! Fur would help. I'm doing the "gym thing" though. (I kinda like it).

Anonymous said...

Great goals! Your cat looks like mine.

neetzy said...

He's a cutie and a devil at the same time!

marianne said...

Thanks for your visit to my blog!
I once did a mandala class for 10/11 years old on a school where my friend was teaching. I loved it!
I gave my first workshop last years and there were 3 children as well.
This post is wonderful, love the cat ! Cat´s are amazing and inspiring, when it comes to relaxing!
have a creative year!

neetzy said...


Thanks for stopping. I have to paint this cat! I just hope I can capture that look of total relaxation!