Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I think I want to blog again.  I have so much going on at the moment. My youngest daughter graduated and we will soon be empty-nesters.  I will be starting a new job in the fall teaching younger students.  I keep finding myself at this weird intersection in life.  Beginnings.  Endings.  The beginning of a my daughter's college experience.  The ending of my "job" as a parent.  (The full-time kids at home part). The ending of my existence as a high school art teacher.  The beginning of my life as an elementary art teacher.

It is the beginning of a new kind of life without kids around.  It is the beginning of a sort of freedom.  Husband and I can run around naked if we want.  We can make love without being self-conscious when the kids are awake.

I will have more time to paint.  We will have time to do things.  Fridays and Saturdays will not be filled with Football games and concerts.  No more band boosters meetings.

I would like to immerse myself in painting.  I'm thinking of going for my MFA.  I have lots of ideas.

I would like to "reopen" this blog perhaps as a place to record what happens next.


Janie Emaus said...

I just have to say - your job as a parent never ends.

Beverly Diehl said...

You'll find your way. That's the great thing, you can get back into whatever you'd like to try, and if it doesn't work, try something else.

I'll be cheering you on, whatever you decide. :)

neetzy said...

Thanks so much. I'm looking forward to this new adventure. Making love with your mom in the house...Yikes! Can you send her to the store?

So true. I know I will still be a parent, but it will be in a "different" way.

Thanks for cheering me on! I'll be painting, maybe writing a bit. Hopefully I can put more effort into getting into shape!