Thursday, June 24, 2010

Big Eighties Hair

Thanks to Poetikat, today is I love the eighties day. The eighties was basically the decade of my twenties. I decided to stay with the hair theme as the eighties were notorious for big, poofy hairstyles. This was a trend I resisted (at first). The first photo of me was taken in 1984. Doug and I had just moved into our first apartment. As you can see, I still had the arse length hair and the big glasses. These were my toned down rimless frames!
We got married in 1985 and I was working in the insurance industry at time. I wanted to modernize my look a bit so I added some "poofy" layered bangs.
As you see, these bangs got poofier and poofier (thanks to hair "products") I was an aerobic dance fanatic at the time. Aerobics was so much more fun when we danced to good music. The techno stuff just isn't the same. Unfortunately I don't have photos of me in the spandex dance outfits, complete with leg warmers and Reeboks. I had a much better body in the eighties!

Finally, Doug and I are hamming it up for you just above the Golden Gate Bridge on the Fourth of July, 1987. We bought these $5.00 Corona sweatshirts from a street vendor. We didn't realize how chilly it could get in San Fran in July! I hope you like our shorty shorts!


Tess Kincaid said...

Oh, yeah, those poofy 80s bangs. Lots and lots of hairspray. I had them, too!

Katie said...

Great series! I especially like the SF photo (of course), especially since it looks like you're doing a Nair short-shorts ad! I never got into the big bangs, but I did do the feathered Farrah look (although I tried mine in 1982, which was way past its sell-date). And why we ever thought we needed glasses as big as our whole heads I'll never know. What do you think we're wearing now that will be laughed at in 20 years?

dive said...

Ah, the eighties, the decade that taste forgot. Big hair, balloon skirts, awful colour choices, synthesizer music and Reaganomics.
What the hell happened to our brains back then?

neetzy said...


I resisted the poofy bangs until 1986. Now I look back, ugh!

Katie, I'm always late on fashion trends as well. My poofy hair was late 80s. At least we had the legs for shorty shorts back then. (Those were smaller glasses than my previous ones).

Twenty years from now we'll be laughing at what the kids are wearing - super baggy pants, plaids, etc. I don't do trendy stuff. I think my glasses tell the time period better than anything!

I liked early eighties music. Thankfully I wasn't very "fashionable" back then. I had poofy bangs and one bad perm. I worked in business so I wore suits and for casual, just jeans and polo shirts. I did have a mauve "Members Only" jacket.

Nana Jo said...

I, too, had a much better body in the '80's ... but I'm somehow more comfortable in it now than I was back then. I never did the 'big bangs' look, but I did have a wee venture into Farrah-feather land.

neetzy said...

Nana Jo,

I thought I was fat then. I know I'm fat now. I don't think I'll ever be "happy" with my body. At the moment I am making "peace" with it. I'm not ready to make peace with the gray in my hair yet, so I'll continue to see Ms. Lo'real.

Janelle Goodwin said...

Oh my goodness, I love your arse long hair! I've never been able to grow mine that long. Thanks for the trip down memory lane, Neetzy!

neetzy said...


I was into a competitive hair thing in the late seventies and never "grew" out of it.

Kat, Yes you commented on Facebook! I'm glad you had a fun birthday lol!

Nancy said...

What fun photographs. I remember the big bangs of years ago. I always thought they looked a little ... um... not wanting to offend anyone ... different.... Oddly enough, I still see them on occasion.

Christine H. said...

i love the hairstyle theme. My hair was always so straight that I couldn't really follow any trends, except for the long straight hair one. Even perms didn't work on me. I probably would have done the Farrah Fawcett one if I could have.

Alan Burnett said...

Lovely photographs which seem to transport one back 25 years. Just like sepia, hair styles are a kind of historical bookmark aren't they?

Enchanted Oak said...

Leg warmers!!!! I'd forgotten those.
Had those large glasses myself. We must have shopped at the same stores.
You look great. I had a better body then, too, but wasn't happy with it. Not happy with it now, either. I definitely need to quit binging on snack food at night.
These glances back at our own generation's past are great fun.

neetzy said...

I probably should have named this "big bang" theory! I forgot about the glasses until I found this pic!

Christine, I had the opposite problem. I'll spend hours straightening. I then walk outside and "poof" humidity curls!

I want to get my dad's hairstyles from the seventies! Those were really funny. The good thing is that we can change them in a few weeks.

neetzy said...

Enchanted Oak,

When I look back on these photos I can't believe I hated that body. Now I can't believe I was that thin. Leg warmers were definitely all that!

Maria said...

God...bangs. I never could pull them off, although you look pretty in them!

And SF? The first time I went to SF was in the month of August and yes...I FROZE. I remember that I'd only packed shorts and sun dresses. I bought a hoodie and wore it over everything. I also ate steaming hot bowls of oatmeal for breakfast every morning just to try to stay warm...

neetzy said...

Thanks for the compliment Maria.
These were some of the "better" pictures of me in bangs. Most of the time I looked TERRIBLE. I tried them again last year, for whatever reason. SF can be very cool in the summer!

L. D. said...

What a trip back into time. I was trying to think what men were wearing at that time and I guess I will have to dig out pictures. I had dark thick hair back then and I was young.

neetzy said...

L.D. I bet you had great hair back then! I just remember "Members Only" jackets. I had one in mauve. Guys had more neutral colors.